What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

A car drove thru the front of our business and SERVPRO of Eastern Lake County cleaned up all the glass and debris. They boarded up the storefront immediately so we could continue to serve our customers. They worked around our schedule to get the front rebuilt and in working order. Great job all around from these guys. 

SERVPRO of Eastern Lake County did a fantastic job at my facility. They came in late on a Friday night to clean up water. They got it clean and all dried up so we could start seeing patients on Monday morning. 

There was water running behind our bathroom wall in our Church for an unknown period of time. Once we realized this was happening we called SERVPRO of Eastern Lake County right away. They came cleaned up the disaster and got our Church back up and running in a timely matter! Their work was great and we appreciate all of their hard work. Thank you SERVPRO. 

Great outfit, they have helped many of my clients with water and fire damage. Nick is great!